The basic step accompanies the entire implementation of each project from graphic design, logo as well as trade design. To define a conceptual sketch it is necessary to study a form and to become acquainted with the concepts and to determine directional development of the project, its phases as well as determine the material and technical assumptions. Consideration of the budget for the project allows you to adjust the appropriate technologies, materials, determine the level of quality and production capacity forms of for example the graphic logo.

The starting material for the creation of visualization are preliminary drawings prepared by selecting a suitable project proposal specifying the objectives for this project for example size and material-technical solutions with regard to the use, duplication or production. 3D visualization allows us to see the form and space, depending on the scene, in a simple way to introduce different variants of materials to the selected pattern. At a later stage gives the opportunity to work on the model, a model to achieve the shape and meet the requirements before the developed solution, architecture or installation in the interior space and even the sculpture. Visualization can be prepared by means of ANIMATIONS- extensive form of presentation of the selected project or all of the material

After you select the proper variant of the design element, or group of items next step is the development in the form of technical support using AUTO CAD program to define the technical solutions that identify the selected materials which will be used to construct the object and allow the start of production in accordance with the chosen solution and form the basis for the preparation of the prototype to eliminate errors.

When we get to know the already selected technical and material solution specified in the project we can proceed to a detailed valuation to determine, as far as allowing the exact cost of implementing the entire line with a preliminary design. However you must be aware of the changing situation in the currency market that could affect the final price of the product.

The best solution is to implement a prototype before the implementation of spatial form to produce regardless of whether it is a model piece of furniture, signage system or design item. It gives us the opportunity to test the technologies and solutions to the product ready for production and sales close to ideal, allow for long-term usage and asked us to fulfill all tasks. Savings can be a form of a prototype implementation of the model in 1:10 scale, however, it does not allow to preserve all material and technical solutions so that can only be general view, not allowing for visual testing of the product in conditions similar to reality, may be replaced by animation projects, spatial STUDIO 3D animation, however, this effect has never substitute the implementation of the model.

All the elements, spatial forms are made based on the best commercially available technology and taking into account the latest trends, they are designed to give the objects their individual form. For the best quality we work with a highly specialized industry that allows to perform the most difficult material and technical challenges from concept to design, visualization, prototypes implementing and supervising the implementation.